Lucy Harrison

Lucy Harrison

Lucy Harrison is an artist based in London. Her work investigates the subjective nature of experience, and connections between memory, location and architecture and takes the form of installations, events, films, audio and various forms of printed and published material. Her projects are often collaborative and involve the participation of people who live or work in the places where they take place. Her first major project was Canvey Guides in 2006-7 which was part of Art U Need, led by Bob & Roberta Smith. In common with many others, she has a long lasting affection for the island and is still in contact with many people she met through the project a decade ago. Canvey Guides Plus Ten Lucy Harrison is returning to Canvey Island a decade after she began work on her project Canvey Guides, for which she instigated the Rendezvous Walking Club and engaged a group of local residents in telling their own stories of the island. Through the project ten years ago she discovered the way that many people love Canvey, its landscape, history, and musical connections. In 2016 Lucy is returning to some of her previous haunts along with some of the project participants to lead walks visiting the sites of stories, memories and interventions.

Where to see

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